For Businesses

Business Toolkit

Business Toolkit

How to put a Trespass Letter on File

You can file a trespass letter, request extra patrol, and find crime information on our website.

Trespass Letter

Request Extra Patrol

Crime Stats

How to Request Non-Emergency

For all non-emergency situations call (707) 421-7373

Non-emergency situations typically involve incidents that do not pose an immediate threat to life, health, or property. Examples include minor traffic accidents with no injuries, noise complaints, minor disturbances, or situations where assistance is needed but there is no immediate danger.  

Unhoused Resources, etc.

Understanding California's Homelessness Crisis

California, often celebrated for its prosperity and innovation, grapples with a pressing challenge: homelessness. The state is home to one of the largest populations of unhoused individuals in the United States, with complex factors contributing to this crisis.

Unhoused Resources